Converting Aircraft / VTOL to all-weather operation

One Stop Shop

  • Effective and light weight ice protection systems
  • Ice detection systems
  • Engineering Service
  • Testing possibilities under adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, ice)
  • Numerical ice accretion prediction simulations
  • Certification support


Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System

ETIPS - is our Electro Thermal Ice Protection System which incorporates advanced technologies which differ significantly from conventional ones. ETIPS is characterized by high efficiency, extreme robustness and minimal weight as well as the possibility to fully integrate the system into a composite or metal structure even with complex 3D shapes without a negative influence on the aerodynamics of the aircraft as it is often the case with conventional de-icing systems.

ETIPS areas of application:

  • Fixed wing aircraft leading edges and wing segments
  • Helicopter and UAV rotors
  • Aircraft propellers
  • Air intakes
  • Other icing-critical parts: e.g. wing struts, pitot strut, spinner etc.

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Electro-Mechanical Ice Protection System

The LDI EMIPS is the newest generation of an Electro Mechanical Ice Protection System which can be Design Tailoring to  be implemented / installed into Leading Edges of Main Wings,  Stabilizers, Air Intakes and other components of any aircraft. -  EMIPS  features very low energy consumption and is ideal for aircraft who can only supply very little electrical energy.

Suitable for:

  • Fixed Wing Aircraft
  • UAVs

Watch Video Discover EMIPS Technology


Ice Protection Systems for Small UAVs

Ice build-up on the rotors of multi-rotor copters poses a major safety risk. Tests have shown that ice build-up can cause multicopters to lose control and crash in a very short time. Working togehtehr with airsafety.
Development of  Ice Protection Systems for light (<25 kg) and heavier multicopters  ( >25 kg) in close cooperation with FAA / EASA certification authorities

Suitable for:

  • UAVs

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Rotor Ice Shed Protection System

Shed ice from rotor blades can be a dangerous ballistic concern.
Patent: A50377/2017  /  PCT WO2018204942

A passive system that can be used on a wide range of rotors to prevent external damage caused by the kinetic impact of debonding ice on rotating rotors.

Tilt Rotor Aircraft: Damage to the aircraft fuselage
Turbofan Engines: Damage to the interior and cowling
Helicopter Tail Rotor: Damage to the fenestron
Multi engine aircraft: Damage to the fuselage
Wind turbines: Danger to people and animals due to "ice throw"

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