Technologies and Solutions bejond imagination for follwing segments:
Innovative Interior Heating Solutions
Cutting Edge Ice Protections Systems
Innovative Heating Solutions
Innovative heating systems for batteries
Cutting Edge Solutions for Ice Protection
Newest technology for lightning protection
Cutting edge technology for air disinfection
Individual solutions and our developments
Innovations and Development
At Villinger GmbH, our Research and Development division is the cornerstone of our innovative approach to aviation heating solutions. We focus on the design and development of energy-efficient technologies that enhance safety and performance in the aerospace sector. Our R&D team, composed of highly skilled engineers and researchers, works relentlessly to create advanced interior heating systems and cutting-edge anti-ice and de-icing technologies for wings, inlets, and rotors.
Our commitment to innovation drives us to explore new materials, methods, and technologies, ensuring that our products are at the forefront of the industry. By leveraging the latest advancements in science and engineering, we aim to provide solutions that not only meet but exceed the stringent requirements of modern aviation.
Villinger GmbH's R&D efforts are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible, delivering unparalleled quality and performance. Through rigorous testing and continuous improvement, we ensure our heating solutions offer maximum efficiency, reliability, and sustainability, contributing to a safer and more comfortable flying experience.
Our Research and Development department is the cornerstone of our approach to our innovative solutions. Dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible, our commitment drives us to explore new materials, methods, and technologies, ensuring that our products are at the forefront of the industry.
Project CLAIS focuses on an air disinfection unit that enhances the cleanliness level of enclosed spaces beyond conventional filter systems. The device is designed to effectively remove fungi, viruses, bacteria, and odors from the air, achieving a purification level of 99.999% and beyond. It shall be installed on ISS as an extension of the Environmental Control and Life Support System and aims to significantly contribute to the health and well-being of the crew, diminishes the proliferation of unwanted microbial growth in sinks, and enables the extension of disinfection intervals for equipment.
Rapid icing is dangerous in several industries, but especially critical in Aviation with early and fast detecting of ice build-up being a vital component of aircraft safety. Modern icing sensors are only capable of detecting ice accretion through a relatively thick layer of ice – when it might already be too late. Based on our preliminary research and development, we offer a new generation of icing sensors, capable of much more sensitive detection of ice accretion at very thin layers compared to conventional systems. The sensor is being conceived for installation on outer surfaces of aircraft, but also for vehicle exteriors and industrial applications.
Since the world’s highest performing wind farms are mostly operating under extreme conditions, blade icing is an ongoing issue. Our business is to „fight the ice“ and to keep the turbine in an ice-free state by incorporating the next generation of electrothermal ice protection systems. The system is characterized by clean aerodynamics and minimum maintenance requirements.
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