Technologies and Solutions bejond imagination for follwing segments:
Innovative Interior Heating Solutions
Cutting Edge Ice Protections Systems
Innovative Heating Solutions
Innovative heating systems for batteries
Cutting Edge Solutions for Ice Protection
Newest technology for lightning protection
Cutting edge technology for air disinfection
Individual solutions and our developments
Innovations and Development
Electro-Thermal Ice Protection
Electro-Mechanical Ice Protection
UAV Ice Protection
Rotor Ice Shed Protection
Ice build-up on the rotors of multi-rotor copters poses a major safety risk. Tests have shown that ice build-up can cause multicopters to lose control and crash in a very short time. Working togehtehr with airsafety.
Development of Ice Protection Systems for light (<25 kg) and heavier multicopters ( >25 kg) in close cooperation with FAA / EASA certification authorities
Categorie A) NOT Ice Detection / Ice Protection equipped. Flight in visible moisture and below +5°C prohibited
Categorie B) Reliable Ice Detector equipped - and able to perform detect and exit strategy. Proof that the aircraft can fly safely twice the response time of the detector in icing conditions. Alternatively an installed ice protection system which ensures a safe flight for this limited time
Categorie C) Reliable ice detector in combination with a reliable Ice Protection System equipped
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