Technologies and Solutions bejond imagination for follwing segments:
Innovative Interior Heating Solutions
Cutting Edge Ice Protections Systems
Innovative Heating Solutions
Innovative heating systems for batteries
Cutting Edge Solutions for Ice Protection
Newest technology for lightning protection
Cutting edge technology for air disinfection
Individual solutions and our developments
Innovations and Development
Interior heating systems of conventional vehicles with Gas or Diesel engines utilize waste heat from the engine in order to warm the passengers. Unfortunately in electrically powered vehicles this waste heat is no longer available. Conventional heating systems proved to be inefficient by consuming a lot of electrical energy and it is known that the range of electric cars in winter is greatly reduced.
The “Liteheat” heating technology developed by Villinger is the game changer in heating systems for electric cars. By the high energy efficiency of the “Liteheat” system, where electrical energy is directly converted into heat energy, the energy to be expended can be significantly reduced while comfort is increased and system weight is reduced.
LiteHeat Interior Heating
Battery Thermal Management
Customized Heating Solutions
The “Liteheat” heatings system increases vehicle range in winter operations of every electric car.
Tests showed that even the most advanced EV increases battery consumption in winter operation (-20C ) from 200Wh/km to 300Wh/km (50% increase! ) which decreases vehicle range by a big margin. With the energy efficient LITEHEAT cabin heating solution vehicle range is greatly extended.
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